The Mini-Course

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Course Description

Are you frustrated about not being able to backbend like the ‘Queen of backbends’ in the front row of class?

Have you ever wondered why you cannot ‘get into’ a pose the way the person on the yoga mat next to you does?

Are you curious about the biomechanics of poses?

If so you are in luck, because this mini course will paint a picture of why the heck that is happening and what you can do about it!!

The aim of this course is to share some light on your understanding of yoga asana (poses) and if you are a teacher, your understanding on teaching yoga asana so that it serves each and every unique and individual Being.

We look at bones and skeletal structure, individual range of motion and movement in asana.

These 6 pow-wow videos will hopefully create intriguing notions from the deep of your bones to the look of your pose!

Key Concepts

This course is a gift to you. Free of charge! What a win!!

Mysan created this course with the hope that you would start to lovingly question your asana practice and how you are teaching! Embracing new perspectives and inviting growth!

Warning! This mini-course may awaken your inner anatomy nerd and may result in an insatiable thirst for further knowledge! Please take full responsibility for yourself and commence this course with nerd-alert in mind.

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Loving it so far

Have only just started this course but love the easy to follow video format.

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