200 hour Functional Hatha Teacher Training

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Course Description

200 Hour Functional Hatha Yoga Online Teacher Training Course!

A globally recognised and accredited yoga course.

$1699 AUD (approx $1115 USD)

Payment options:

1. Upon registration $1567 followed by three payments of $44 monthly for online classes and extra study material.

2.Afterpay available.

Next Course Date:

14 February to 15 May 2025

We are thrilled to unveil this course for you!

Are you interested in becoming a great yoga teacher?

Or would you like to deepen your yoga practice and understanding, your mind, body, and being connection and awareness?

Are you keen to learn about the uniqueness of each human body and Being and how that will empower you in your practice and teachings of yoga?

Then this is for you!

This course is designed to give you a great understanding of functional Hatha yoga, of the anatomy in motion of every different body embarking on this practice, of yoga philosophy, and the ‘living your yoga’ concept coupled with mindfulness and embodied connection. This is all preparation to make you a great teacher and practitioner of yoga. As a teacher, it will empower you to share Hatha yoga’s transformative benefits with others! As a practitioner, it will inspire you to feel and explore Hatha yoga’s deep and profound outcomes to the fullest! 

The teacher training course offers a comprehensive curriculum covering the foundational principles of Hatha yoga.

Divided into 5 modules :

  1. Functional Anatomy in Motion (understanding moving bodies and individual ranges of motion – a game changer in teaching yoga!)
  2. Asana (poses)
  3. Intelligent Sequencing (the creation of brilliant classes)
  4. Pranayama (breathing)
  5. Yoga Philosophy (taking our yoga practice off our yoga mat an into the world)

Your practice platform :

You will have full access to The Online Yoga Sanctuary for your practice and learning.

These principles and the practice will prepare you for teaching with confidence and authenticity.

The course duration is 3 months, in which you’ll have 12 zoom live lectures, inspiring video tutorials, and lectures going deep into each subject, together with unlimited online yoga classes via The Online Yoga Sanctuary.

Mysan will be there to guide you every step of the way. You will go through this course step by step, week by week, and the course will gradually build. It will keep a balanced pace, so all the learning can be absorbed.

Learning material :

A course manual will be available for you to download and print

Recommended support material so you with ease follow along in the course :

  1. Thieme Atlas of Anatomy – General musculoskeletal  system – any edition will work but make sure you do not get the Latin version!
  2. Yoga and the Luminous by Chapple (Patajanli’s Yoga sutras)
  3. Yoga and the Path of the Urban Mystic – Darren Main


The Functional Anatomy in motion part:

(…and if you think anatomy is dusty and boring, think again! This will have you on your toes and feeling inspired!!)

The main thing we do in our Hatha yoga practice is to move our wonderful body; we breathe and we feel. To understand just how all this works, the course starts with the inspiring functional anatomy part called ‘Love Your Bones’.

We will learn how the body moves and how each and every individual person moves beautifully differently.

We will learn about body connection, deep core strength, what is involved with engaging the bandhas (our energy locks or deep core engagement points), and explore the physical purposes of our practice. We will understand how breath works, how joints and muscles move, and what the purpose of asana really is!

From the knowledge gained in this module, you will be able to answer questions such as, Why do we practice asana, Why can I not do this pose, and What am I meant to feel in this pose? When gaining this knowledge, you will be able to amend your physical practice so it serves you fully, and you will be able to assist your students so they gain the most out of their practice. Yoga should never be a burden, but if we practice against our bones and body, it will become one. With anatomy knowledge like this, you will be able to ease yourself or your students out of that burden and into purpose and opportunity. What a win!

The Asana (poses) part:

Why do we do a certain pose and what does it give us? You will be able to answer this question with ease after the asana part! We will explore the physical purpose of a wide range of yoga asanas, gaining understanding on why and how we practice and teach these asanas. We will learn what poses go together, or not, and where substitutes and suggestions towards a different shape may be needed.

We will also learn about the energy of the asanas and the names of the asanas in English and in Sanskrit—to stay true to this wonderful ancient practice.

This part goes hand in hand with the anatomy part and once we understand them as a whole, our practice and teachings take a profound turn!

If we don’t understand the physical or energetic purpose of each pose, how can we put them together? So once we have this knowledge we can move into sequencing!

The intelligent Sequencing part:

(there is sequencing and then there is Sequencing! Let’s get your class plans rocking!)

Now when we have gained all that awesome knowledge about how the body moves, the asanas and their physical purpose, and therefore the understanding of what each pose will do for you, we can start to be creative and make profound and intelligent sequences!

This is darn exciting!!!

We will learn how to warm up towards a certain asana that we have chosen as our ‘peak’ pose. We will learn how to cool down from it. We will learn how to energetically plan the class so it serves the students in the best possible way.

We create a start, a middle, and an end to our sequences and it all flows in harmony and joy. We will explore what differences sequencing a morning to an afternoon class needs, how we can practice differently in different seasons or in different weather, and for a variety of different conditions. We can, by knowing how to intelligently sequence, apply the remedy that is needed for that time of day, time of year, group of people, or for an individual student. Movement is medicine and with this knowledge we will now know how to create better health!

In this part we will also learn how to theme a class and how to communicate clearly so your message will be understood and soaked up.

The Pranayama (breathing) part:

It is said that our yoga practice is not a yoga practice if Pranayama is not included! 

There are a wide variety of breathing techniques in our yoga practice. Each pranayama will have a different purpose and outcome.

By knowing a variety of pranayama and the purpose and energy they provide, they will serve your sequence as a brilliant way to balance the entire practice.

Pranayama goes hand in hand with all of the above modules: we will now know anatomically what the breath does and how it works, we know physically and energetically what the asana provides, and we know what we want to give with our sequencing—this is an additional way to bind it all together, making the practice whole. 

The Yoga Philosophy part:

Different schools of yoga teach different parts of yoga philosophy and often a mix of philosophy from different texts and sources. This may, at times, be confusing and it might not provide a full scope and understanding. 

So let’s make it easier to grasp!

In this course we aim to provide that fuller scope! We will dive into one text and that text is considered the main text for our modern yoga practice. It is the ancient yoga sutras by Patanjali. This text needs a teacher’s guidance, as it is almost impossible to read it and grasp it—it needs unpacking. When we start to understand, it is a wonderful way to live your yoga in everyday life as well as on your yoga mat. 

Mysan will guide you through the yoga sutras, explaining big and small concepts and you will have an understating of the whole of the sutras as we finish the course. This yogic philosophy is brilliant to weave into the practice by creating themes from it, inspiring students to ponder and contemplate, and it completes the practice of modern yoga in a powerful way!


(To hold you accountable so you will gain the most out of this training and become a great yoga teacher and practitioner, and as this is a globally accredited course, here are your guidelines)

Classes: Practice a minimum of 3 classes per week from The Online Yoga Sanctuary (included in the course package) plus any extra practices given to you throughout the course.

Videos/Tutorials: Complete all included videos and tutorials. These will gradually build week by week, so it is not overwhelming but offered at a nice flow of learning.

Zoom calls: Life happens and sometimes you will miss a zoom, all good, just watch the recording post our live! For accreditation you will need to attend a minimum of 75 percent of the zoom calls.

Group chat: This is where questions can be raised outside of the zoom class, and where we share insights, practices, and knowledge.

Homework and Assignments: All homework and any assignments need to be completed.

Course dates:

14 February to 15 May 2025

Course starting flow:

14 Feb (this is when you get access to the first course material and videos, get familiar with the platform and material, and prepare for the coming zoom sessions). 

Your first zoom call is 20 February 2025 – Our ‘meet and greet and let’s get started’ call.

The last Zoom call is Thursday 15 May 2025.

The zoom sessions will be recorded, so in case you miss one you can catch up by viewing the recording.

Access to zoom and course manual :

Your Zoom link for our calls will be posted in week 1 on the course platform and available for you on the 14th Feb. This is also where the course manual will be found.

Zoom session dates:

Thursday 20 Feb 6pm Australian EST.

Saturday 22 Feb 10am Australian EST.

Thursday 27 Feb 6pm Australian EST.

Thursday 6 Mar 6pm Australian EST.

Thursday 13 Mar 6pm Australian EST.

Thursday 20 Mar 6pm Australian EST.

Thursday 27 Mar 6pm Australian EST.

Thursday 3 Abr 6pm Australian EST.

Thursday 10 Abr 6pm Australian EST.

Thursday 24 Abr 6pm Australian EST.

Thursday 1 May 6pm Australian EST.

Thursday 8 May 6pm Australian EST.

Thursday 15 May 6pm Australian EST

Your 200 hour Functional Hatha investment right now is
$1699 AUD (approx $1115 USD)
Afterpay available!

(Upon registration pay $1567, after our first zoom call, register for your online classes with The Online Yoga Sanctuary and pay the three payments of $44 monthly, making the full payment $1699)

Afterpay available

Upon successful completion of the program, you’ll receive a globally recognised 200 hour Functional Hatha Yoga certification.

World Yoga Alliance - Online Yoga Course Provider
Registered Yoga School